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  • Inscriptions particuliers | Thérapie analytique

    You finance your training yourself The price for the 5 days of training is380€ , materials included. It is possible to adjust it in 2 or 3 times. You contact me by phone or email and we set an appointment for a telephone interview. If you are not too far from the place of training, you can come and meet me. This 1st interview is mandatory. It allows a first contact in order to present the training to you, to answer your questions and thus to know if it is adapted to your expectations. Then, I send you a file including: - A cover letter for the file. - Prior information (including right of withdrawal). - A questionnaire (professional context and expectations of the trainee). - The complete training program, nearby accommodation, transport. - An estimate. - Contract. - The Rules. - The General Conditions of Sale. ​ You send me back the completed and signed documents accompanied by a deposit check of 70€. ​ Je sends you in return a receipt for this amount and sends you a personal invitation confirming your registration. ​ The documents should be sent by post or email to: Beatrice CONSTANTIN-MORA Les Grellieres 24310 PAUSSAC & St VIVIEN or ​ At the end of the training, I give you: an evaluation sheet concerning the place of training and its progress to be completed on site. a training follow-up certificate and an invoice. NOTICED : No request for financial support will be filled after the end of the training. In the context of letters to be returned signed, please attach a stamped envelope for the return. ​

  • Inscriptions via un établissement | Thérapie analytique

    REGISTRATION DETAILS ARTIST-MEDIATOR TRAINING. LEVEL 1 AND 2S You contact me by phone or email and we set an appointment for a phone interview. This 1st interview is mandatory, even if an institutional referent has contacted you . It allows a first contact in order to present the training to you, to answer your questions and thus to know if it is adapted to your expectations. Then, I send you a file including: - A cover letter for the dossier. - Prior information (including right of withdrawal). - A questionnaire (professional context and expectations of the trainee). - The complete training program, nearby accommodation, transport. - An estimate. - A convention. - The Rules. - The General Conditions of Sale. The documents should be sent by post or email to: Beatrice CONSTANTIN-MORA Les Grellieres 24310 PAUSSAC & St VIVIEN or ​ Registration is confirmed upon receipt of the signed agreement and the rules of procedure, accompanied (except institutions*) by the sum of: 30% of the training rate for associations and liberal professions. *payment after invoice and attendance certificate for institutional funding. At the end of the training, I give you an evaluation sheet concerning the place of training and its progress to be filled in on the spot, your certificate of follow-up of training. And I send the establishment or organization an attendance sheet and an invoice. NOTE: No request for financial support will be filled during or after the training. In the context of letters to be returned signed, please attach a stamped envelope for the return.

  • Supervision | Art-thérapie & Relation d'aide

    Supervision for helping relationship professionals, face-to-face or remotely. DIFFERENT OFFERS FOR DIFFERENT NEEDS You are a helping relationship professional in exercise PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT You want to set up a creative or therapeutic mediation workshop ​While the previous proposal does not concern psychotherapy, it straddles the work necessary to shed light on its gray areas and theoretical and methodological contributions to structure and animate a workshop with creative, artistic or therapeutic mediation. ​ This training does not issue the title of art therapist. There are training organizations that offer programs as well as certification for this. ​ As for me, I offer you an "à la carte" program, which helps you develop your style of practice within a workshop that takes into account where you are, your research, so that you can talk about your project, present it, defend it to your public, prescribers or employers, knowing precisely what falls within your field of action according to the public you are addressing. ​ That is to say that the goal is that this workshop is in adequacy between you, the public and the professional environment. The goal is concrete, to work and to be paid for it. However, you will need reference authors on whom you can rely to build your reflection, in order to guarantee the people received a reliable and respectful framework and to work with serenity and creativity. For my part, the clinic of DW Winnicott, that of D. Anzieu or R. Roussillon, among others, are effective supports. These contributions are made as you progress and during our meetings, I put into perspective both your personal work, your thinking and the framework of the workshops. Thus, you learn by experience and not in the form of indigestible theoretical "pavets". However, an effort is to be made insofar as it is not me who finds for you, but you who are the project manager of your projects, which sometimes requires time for reading, "digestion" , writing and especially research. ​ Searching is a sine qua non positioning in this training process to maintain oneself in a non-fixed space of reflection, where it is not a question of applying, or executing "devices", without having understood what they belong to. and what are its current limitations for offering workshops to others. ​ In this collaborative work, you will not learn, for example, to interpret the drawings or the productions of the participants. You will learn how to implement a reliable and secure environment to facilitate the expression of everyone within a group. How to stimulate your professional creativity to propose without imposing, etc...

  • Haute sensibilité | Thérapie analytique

    Specific support for High Sensitivity or emotional hypersensitivity. "Being different isn't a good or bad thing. It just means you're brave enough to be yourself." Albert Camus On going redaction Welcome Presentation Consulting Counseling for children Home consultations Remote consultations Courses/Groups Nouvelle page Symbolic Creations Nouvelle page Yes yes ! no no ! Journey to the Inner Lands Reviews, testimonials Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Institutional training Values & Commitments Nouvelle page TRAINING IN ESTABLISHMENTS CREATIVITY & ENCLOSURE Bibliography Transportation Video sharing Training environments Testimonials Training DATES & PRICES 2023 supervision Professional support Testimonials Professional support Nouvelle page BiblioBLOG Contact Members List of programs Formulas and prices Résultats de recherche

  • Accompagnement professionnel | Art-thérapie et Relation d'aide

    PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT ​ You want to set up a creative or therapeutic mediation workshop ​​ This proposal is between the work necessary to illuminate its gray areas and theoretical and methodological contributions to structure and animate a creative, artistic or therapeutic mediation workshop. ​ This training does not issue the title of art therapist. There are training organizations that offer programs as well as certification for this. ​ As for me, I offer you an "à la carte" program, which helps you develop your style of practice within a workshop that takes into account where you are, your research, so that you can talk about your project, present it, defend it to your public, prescribers or employers, knowing precisely what falls within your field of action according to the public you are addressing. ​ That is to say that the goal is that this workshop is in adequacy between you, the public and the professional environment. The goal is concrete, to work and to be paid for it. However, you will need reference authors on whom you can rely to build your reflection, in order to guarantee the people received a reliable and respectful framework and to work with serenity and creativity. For my part, the clinic of DW Winnicott, that of D. Anzieu or R. Roussillon, among others, are effective supports. These contributions are made as you progress and during our meetings, I put into perspective both your personal work, your thinking and the framework of the workshops. Thus, you learn by experience and not in the form of indigestible theoretical "pavets". However, an effort is to be made insofar as it is not me who finds for you, but you who are in charge of your project, which sometimes requires time for reading, "digestion" , writing and especially research. ​ Searching is a sine qua non positioning in this training process to maintain oneself in a non-fixed space of reflection, where it is not a question of applying, or executing "devices", without having understood what they belong to. and what are its current limitations for offering workshops to others. ​ In this collaborative work, you will not learn, for example, to interpret the drawings or the productions of the participants. You will learn how to implement a reliable and secure environment to facilitate the expression of everyone within a group. How to stimulate your professional creativity to propose without imposing, etc... ​ Contact me for more information and prices.

  • Voyage en Terres Intérieures | Thérapie analytique

    ANALYTICAL ART THERAPY COURSES Go to the Essential with the Authentic "Journey to the Inner Lands" The "Journey to Inner Lands" course proposes to go on an expedition to the land of Wonderful Tales, and to write your own tale based on your life experiences. Based and inspired by the morphology of Vladimir Propp's fairy tale and Joseph Campbell's monomyth (The Hero's Journey), this course is a gentle yet powerful transformational tool for exploring your inner world. But a trip requires preparation. So, we will start by approaching the threshold of the story by equipping ourselves with some contributions to the universe of tales, and after a few creative writing workshops as a warm-up, we will enter the interior lands. We will follow a frame, a structure designed to create metaphors, images from your lived experiences. As you progress through the paths of the imagination, you will find your way. ​ We will take breaks to talk about the route taken by each and breaks to have a snack & hydrate. ​The course takes place in small groups of 4 participants maximum, for support adapted to each. An individual interview of 1 hour is possible and can be requested after the workshops, at the price of 35€. ​ This internship is complementary to work on dreams or undertaken in personal therapy and very appropriate for going through the "mid-life crisis". NEXT DA YOU 2023 ​ Download the registration form Mediators : writing, storytelling, drawing. No artistic knowledge is necessary. Place : 18 avenue de l'amiral Pradier, 24660 Coulounieix-Chamiers.. Schedule : 9 a.m.-1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Individual interview of 1 hour possible after 5:30 p.m. Price : €35 Rate : 340€ (payable in 2 or 3 instalments if necessary) i.e. 85€/day. Registration is validated upon receipt of a deposit of €100 payable to Béatrice Mora and the completed & signed registration form, to be sent to me 1 month before the start of the course. You will receive an invoice upon receipt of the deposit. Workshop materials are included. The balance is payable at the end of the course. ​ The law provides for a withdrawal period of 14 days from the date of registration. During these 14 days, you can cancel your registration without proof and the deposit will be refunded. After this period, the deposit is due. ​ In case of cancellation during the course, you only pay for the days taken. If the course is canceled or stopped by the organizer, you will be reimbursed for the days not taken. ​ ​ Plan your lunch picnic, equipment to take notes and clothing adapted to the workshops. Welcome Presentation Consulting Counseling for children Home consultations Remote consultations Courses/Groups Nouvelle page Symbolic Creations Nouvelle page Yes yes ! no no ! Journey to the Inner Lands Reviews, testimonials Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Institutional training Values & Commitments Nouvelle page TRAINING IN ESTABLISHMENTS CREATIVITY & ENCLOSURE Bibliography Transportation Video sharing Training environments Testimonials Training DATES & PRICES 2023 supervision Professional support Testimonials Professional support Nouvelle page BiblioBLOG Contact Members List of programs Formulas and prices Résultats de recherche

  • Un jour en soi | Stage-Découverte de l'Art-Thérapie analytique Dordogne

    Cette journée en petit groupe vous est totalement consacrée, pour revenir à votre essentiel, en votre centre, comme un espace de respiration dans une vie bien chargée. Vous expérimenterez la pratique de l’art-thérapie analytique, en toute confidentialité, dans un espace protecteur, au service de votre intériorité & de votre créativité. La créativité représente ici vos ressources à laisser émerger ainsi qu’un ensemble d’outils pour lui donner forme, l’accueillir et l’accompagner. Ici, chaque personne vient pour soi. Le groupe est un outil supplémentaire qui vient stimuler chacun.e des Chacun.e est concentré.e sur soi & à l’écoute des autres, sans aucun jugement. Toutes les matières (peinture, collage, écriture...) sont totalement accessibles à tout le monde, sans aucune connaissance artistique nécessaire...sauf si vous souhaitez vendre vos œuvres de votre vivant ou à titre posthume et gagner à être, auquel cas, ce lieu n’est pas celui qu’il vous faut. Si vous cherchez à comprendre ce qui vous freine, vous rend triste, vous oppresse et que vous acceptez de prendre un chemin qui vous permet de ressentir, de trouver en vous-même vos propres ressources, alors soyez les Autrement-dit, ma fonction est de vous accompagner, pas de savoir pour vous ou de vous donner des réponses toutes faites. Pour vous inscrire : -Vous me téléphonez. Bulletin d'inscription En effet, dans le cadre thérapeutique surtout, un premier entretien au téléphone est obligatoire. Il vous permet de me poser vos questions préalables. Il me permet de créer un groupe cohérent et de confirmer qu’il y a adéquation entre ma proposition/pratique et votre demande. -Vous téléchargez le bulletin d’inscription sur le site ou je vous l’envoie. -Vous m’envoyez le bulletin d’inscription signé accompagné de 30% d’acompte. L’inscription est confirmée dès la réception du bulletin signé accompagné de l’acompte. Si la journée est annulée pour des raisons de forces majeurs ou par Béatrice Mora : la totalité des sommes versées est remboursée ou reportée à une date ultérieure. Si vous annulez pendant la journée, l’acompte est dû ainsi que les heures d’atelier effectuées. Le délai de rétractation est de 14 jours après le paiement. Passé ce délai, en cas d’annulation, l’acompte est dû.

  • L'équipe des formateurs | Formation Ateliers à Médiations

    L'équipe des formateurs Béatrice Mora Art-thérapeute analytique en profession libérale depuis 2012, elle est également formatrice et créatrice de l'organisme "Art-thérapie analytique Dordogne" en 2016. Elle s'attache à transmettre un enseignement éthique et professionnel visant à construire des conditions propices à l'expression et à la transformation des sujets en difficultés ou en souffrance, dans un cadre fiable et sécure. Éducatrice spécialisée pendant 10 ans, en internat ainsi qu'en milieu ouvert (AEMO), elle bénéficie d'une solide expérience de terrain dans différents établissements, animée par la recherche constante de ce qui fonde la singularité de chacun, la possibilité de se relier à soi & aux autres, de mobiliser ses ressources créatrices pour se considérer et être considéré autrement que par le symptôme. ​ La psychanalyse et plus particulièrement des auteurs comme D. W. Winnicott, René Roussillon, Anne Brun... nourrissent son travail et sa réflexion depuis plus de 20 ans. Dans cette mouvance, l'objectif est de faciliter le processus de symbolisation via la matière, en développant la créativité du sujet dans un atelier, un lieu d'expérimentation sans enjeux esthétiques, ni jugements de valeur. ​ Ainsi, il est postulé que ce n'est pas la matière, l'objet, qui soignent, mais la relation qui se tisse entre le sujet, le groupe et le thérapeute (ou l'animateur au sens général) via l'objet de médiation. Il n'y a, par conséquent, aucune exposition des travaux réalisés en atelier d'art-thérapie ou à médiations thérapeutiques. Vincent Renault Psychologue clinicien exerçant en psychiatrie adulte depuis plus de 15 ans, il a pu acquérir de solides connaissances en psychopathologie et en psychothérapie. Que cela soit en individuel ou en groupe, son souci constant est de pouvoir ajuster au mieux sa position et sa pratique thérapeutique, pour accueillir le sujet dans la singularité de sa demande et de sa souffrance. ​ C'est notamment dans ce contexte qu'il a pu expérimenter la pertinence clinique d'une approche culturelle et artistique, à travers des ateliers de peinture, des ateliers de médiation artistique à visée thérapeutique... Cette pratique l'a amené à approfondir sa réflexion sur la créativité, l'art, l'expression picturale, avec ses effets thérapeutiques, ses effets sur le lien social, sur le "vivre ensemble. ​ Co-auteur de la publication : "Parler est un besoin, écouter est un savoir", publié dans la revue Vie Sociale et Traitement. Visible sur le site : David Lévy Auteur, compositeur, interprète, multi-instrumentiste, David Lévy est également sonorisateur du spectacle vivant. ​ Cette 3è session de formation concernera la sensibilisations à la Pédagogie, à l’apprentissage et à la pratique de la Musique en groupe et au métissage de la Musique avec d’autres expressions artistiques. La pédagogie utilisée est d’ordre ludique impliquant l’ensemble du groupe comme moteur d’apprentissage. Une méthode très efficace (« Martenot ») va nous permettre d’avoir accès au codage du solfège rythmique et donc, nous aurons rapidement la possibilité de lire et d’écrire nos propres motifs musicaux. ​ La pratique s’effectue sur un ensemble d’instruments allant de percussions « classiques » (xylophones, carillons, jembé, cajon) à des instruments modernes (wavedrum, garrahand,…) voir très teintés (Ud,…). ​ Un des objectifs est de parvenir à la création et à l’arrangement de pièces musicales afin de les enregistrer.

  • Témoignages | Séjours-individuels-Art-thérapie analytique-Périgueux

    Testimonials Hello Beatrice First of all thank you for this stay so intense and founding THANKS For your welcome, for the fundamental work done together, from which I come out having had a "new skin" and ready to live MY life in safety, a little surprised and disoriented still like a little one discovering a new world, step by step, curious and a little anxious about all these novelties, taking his bearings little by little with what he learned with you. I am going to discover the world, secured by the enlightened deciphering that we have made of the past, and the meaning that I have been able to give to it thanks to your competence combining knowledge, knowing and knowing how to be, in a strict, reassuring and clear framework. , nevertheless supple and lively... thanks to your benevolence in the true sense of the term, that which dismisses any insipidity or attempt at deleterious seduction to give way to sustained and structuring attention, made up of attentive listening, sensible and objective feedback all leaving room for the "subject" you encounter and the sensitivity that is specific to it to adapt your interventions on the substance as well as on the form... Kudos for your creativity I thank you both for your professionalism and the humanity that lives in you and gives it this particular form that can be described as " trademark" Thank you Béatrice and thank you to life which allowed me to meet you Good road to you and see you soon P. 04/22/2021

  • Stage Art-thérapie analytique-Créations Symboliques

    Je considère le stage "Créations Symboliques" comme une porte d'entrée vers les différentes autres propositions de travail en groupe. ​ Il permet de faire l'état des lieux de votre situation actuelle et de découvrir vos ressources pour ouvrir des voies d'apaisement possibles, dans votre vie. ​ La créativité est comprise ici comme un moyen (l'action de créer) et comme un processus pour développer un état d'être (la créativité). ​ Le langage symbolique transmis par l'inconscient, en créant, transcende la matière, donne forme à l'inexprimé et transmet du sens, au-delà des limites du langage verbal. ​ Le travail en groupe est un puissant activateur de l'associativité de chaque personne. A partir de propositions de départ, chaque participant utilisera les médiateurs à disposition pour sa création et sa créativité. Des temps de paroles ainsi qu'un accompagnement analytique ponctuent les temps de création. ​ En atelier, chacun œuvre pour soi-même, vers l'élaboration de ses propres symboles, soutenu par la dynamique de groupe. ​ Ce stage est complémentaire à un travail sur les rêves ou entrepris dans une thérapie personnelle. ​ Médiateurs pour se raconter, se rencontrer, rêver et renouer avec sa créativité : l'écriture, les pastels secs et gras, gouaches, encres, le papier... ​ Aucun savoir ni expérience artistique n'est nécessaire. Cependant si vous êtes un. artiste en panne d'inspiration, ce stage sera un très bon allié pour retrouver votre créativité. ​ Lieu : 8 rue de la selle 24000 Périgueux ​ Horaires : 9h30-12h30/14h-17h Groupe de 3 à 6 participants. Tarif : 240€ soit 80€/jour, matériel compris. Il est possible de payer en plusieurs fois. ​ Le prix du stage d'avril est en baisse. Il passe de 240€ à 160€. Télécharger le bulletin d'inscription Dates des prochains stages : du vendredi 12 au dimanche 14 avril 2024 Welcome Presentation Consulting Counseling for children Home consultations Remote consultations Courses/Groups Nouvelle page Symbolic Creations Nouvelle page Yes yes ! no no ! Journey to the Inner Lands Reviews, testimonials Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Institutional training Values & Commitments Nouvelle page TRAINING IN ESTABLISHMENTS CREATIVITY & ENCLOSURE Bibliography Transportation Video sharing Training environments Testimonials Training DATES & PRICES 2023 supervision Professional support Testimonials Professional support Nouvelle page BiblioBLOG Contact Members List of programs Formulas and prices Résultats de recherche

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