(non-exhaustive, other references are given in training depending on the topics covered)
The meaning of this bibliography is to give the main references that support the contents of the training. You do not need to have read these books to benefit from the training. But at the end of the modules, I hope that you will want to dig your turn in this fascinating literature as well as articles on the site www.cairn.info, in particular.
ANCELIN SCHUSTENBERGER Anne, « Ouch, my ancestors ! ”, Desclée de Brouwer, La méridienne, 1985
RIALLAND Chantal, “ This family that lives in us ”, Marabout, 1994
TISSERON Serge, “ Family secrets »,When and how to talk about it ? Marabout, 1996
Creative and therapeutic mediation workshops
ANZIEU Didier, " Le Moi-peau ", Dunod, 1995, "The Group and the Unconscious", 1999 , “ Create Destroy, Dunod 1996.
A. BRUN, B. CHOUVIER, R. ROUSSILLON “ Manual of therapeutic mediations ” Coll. Unconscious and Culture, Dunod, 2013, "The Psychic Processes of Mediation", 2004.
Psychic development
CICCONE Albert, GAUTHIER Yvon, GOLSE Bernard, STERN Daniel, "Birth and development of psychic life", Edition Erès, 1001 BB
CICCONE Albert, “ Psychic envelope and containing function, models and practices ”, www.cairn.info
CYRULNIK Boris, “ Under the sign of the link ”, Pluriel, Hachette, 1989
DUMAS Didier, " Sans père et sans parole ", The place of the father in the balance of the child, Éditions Pluriel, 2011
FERENCZI Sándor, “ The child in the adult ”, Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 1982
GOLSE Bernard.
SPTIZ René, “From birth to speech, the first year of life ”, PUF, 1979.
WINNICOTT Donald Wood, " Game and Reality ", Potential Space, nrf Editions Gallimard, 1971, "The ability to be alone", Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 1958, “ the child and his family ”, Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 1957
SACKS Oliver, " The man who took his wife for a hat ", Essays, Edition du Seuil, 1988
COOPER David, “ Psychiatry and anti-psychiatry ”, Le champ freudien, Editions du Seil, 1967.
SEARLES Harold, " The effort to drive the other crazy ", folio essays, Gallimard, 1965
EHRENBERG Alain, “ The Fatigue of being oneself ”, Odile Jacob, 2000
FEDIDA Pierre, “ Benefits of depression ”, Praise of psychotherapy, Odile Jacob, 2003
WILLIAMS Donna, " If someone touches me, I no longer exist ", " Someone somewhere_930-1958c758 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_”, I read, 1996
SACKS Oliver, " The man who took his wife for a hat ", Essays, Edition du Seuil, 1988
WILLIAMS Donna, " If someone touches me, I no longer exist ", " Someone somewhere_930-1958c758 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_”, I read, 1996
KUBLER-ROSS Elisabeth, " Death, door of life ", The Pocket Book, Edition du Rocher, 1990
JUNG Carl G., " Dialectic of the Ego and the unconscious ", folio Essays, Gallimard, 1964
PINKOLA ESTES Clarissa, “ Women who run with the wolves ”, Grasset, 1995, “ The dance of the grandmothers, Paperback, Grasset, 2006
von FRANZ Marie-Louise, The interpretation of fairy tales ”, Albin Michel, 1995
BOUCHARD Patrick, " The question about Subject in Education and Training ", Knowledge and Training, L'harmattan, 1996
BOUILLÉ Michel, « L'école : histoire d'une utopie ? », XVIIe century-early 20th century, Rivage-Histoire, 1988
CHARMEUX Evelyne, “ Learning to read : failure to failure ”, Milan, 1987.
CORDIÈ Anny, “ The dunces do not exist ”, psychoanalysis of children failing at school, Le Seuil, 1993.
B. CHARLOT and Coll, “School and knowledge in the suburbs…and elsewhere ”, Colin, Coll Enseigner, 1992.
FUSTIER Paul, " The corridors of everyday life ",
HEBER-SUFFRIN Marc and Claire, “ The circle of recognized knowledge ”, Epi, Desclée de Brouwer, 1993
JEAN Georges, " For a pedagogy of the imagination ", Casterman, 1991
LEGUIL François, “ Discomfort and issue of the act ”, Conference-debate text, Dijon, 1988.
PINEL & ZAFIROPOULOS, " A century of school failure ", 1882-1982, Economy and humanism, Workers' editions, 1983.
POSTIC Marcel, “ The educational relationship ”, Pedagogy today, puf, 1979
RAIMBAULT Ginette, “ Clinique du Réel : psychoanalysis at the frontiers of medicine, Le Seuil, 1982.
VANEIGEM Raoul, " Warning to schoolchildren and high school students ", Editions One Thousand and One Nights, 1995
WILLIAM Patrick, " We don't talk about it ", The living and the dead among the gypsies, Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'Homme, Ethnology of France collection, 1993.
POSTIC Marcel, “ The educational relationship ”, Pedagogy today, puf, 1979
RAIMBAULT Ginette, “ Clinique du Réel : psychoanalysis at the frontiers of medicine, Le Seuil, 1982.
VANEIGEM Raoul, " Warning to schoolchildren and high school students ", Editions One Thousand and One Nights, 1995
WILLIAM Patrick, " We don't talk about it ", The living and the dead among the gypsies, Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'Homme, Ethnology of France collection, 1993.