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You want to set up a creative or therapeutic mediation workshop

​ This proposal is between the work necessary to illuminate its gray areas and theoretical and methodological contributions to structure and animate a creative, artistic or therapeutic mediation workshop.

This training does not issue the title of art therapist. There are training organizations that offer programs as well as certification for this.

As for me, I offer you an "à la carte" program, which helps you develop your style of practice within a workshop that takes into account where you are, your research, so that you can talk about your project, present it, defend it to your public, prescribers or employers, knowing precisely what falls within your field of action according to the public you are addressing.

That is to say that the goal is that this workshop is in adequacy between you, the public and the professional environment. The goal is concrete, to work and to be paid for it. However, you will need reference authors on whom you can rely to build your reflection, in order to guarantee the people received a reliable and respectful framework and to work with serenity and creativity. For my part, the clinic of DW Winnicott, that of D. Anzieu or R. Roussillon, among others, are effective supports.


These contributions are made as you progress and during our meetings, I put into perspective both your personal work, your thinking and the framework of the workshops. Thus, you learn by experience and not in the form of indigestible theoretical "pavets". However, an effort is to be made insofar as it is not me who finds for you, but you who are in charge of your project, which sometimes requires time for reading, "digestion" , writing and especially research.

Searching is a sine qua non positioning in this training process to maintain oneself in a non-fixed space of reflection, where it is not a question of applying, or executing "devices", without having understood what they belong to. and what are its current limitations for offering workshops to others.

In this collaborative work, you will not learn, for example, to interpret the drawings or the productions of the participants. You will learn how to implement a reliable and secure environment to facilitate the expression of everyone within a group. How to stimulate your professional creativity to propose without imposing, etc...

Contact me for more information and prices.

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