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From September 2022, I am organizing aanalytical art-therapy workshop, in groups, at the Diocesan House of Angoulême.


As indicated on the home page of its site, "the Diocesan House of Angoulême is open to all and welcomes diocesan services and movements, but also non-confessional groups, for meetings, seminars or internships" .

For my part, I welcome any form of spirituality insofar as it is turned towards thecreativity(I'opening), I'hopeand lives in therespect for oneself and for others.


My objective is to constitute a homogeneous group, which, by meeting once a month, constitutesa relational resource regularfor each.


It is open to any adult person who feels the need to explore their inner universe, their imagination, in order to gain greater self-knowledge and take their place in their life.


Being in a group is a powerful tool forstimulate the creativity of each member, which is why it is important to be able tocommit to respecting others, in their beliefs, their difficulties, their ways of expressing themselves...In return, you will be guaranteednot to be judged,ofto be welcomed in your uniquenessand ofbeing able to express what is most important to you, at that moment in your life.


For my part,I am the guarantor of this space of freedom, where the confidentiality of the comments made in the workshop is an essential rule.

It is thanks to thismutual trustthat you will discover real nuggets favoring yourinterior transformation.


I insist thatit is neither a place of training, nor of artistic learning, but of creationin the primary sense of the term. I support everyone, I suggest certain leads, the most suited to what is expressed in a group, but I have no miracle recipes. I invite you to readThis articleto learn more about my practice.


In a nutshell, it is based onpsychoanalytical bases which deal in particular with the question of the link(to oneself, to the other, the knotting of bonds of attachment...), but alsopsychogenealogy, high sensitivity, the world of tales, the use of easy-to-use creative tools such aspainting, pastels, collage, writing, felt-tip pens, clay..., without forgettingthe wordsthat we will exchange between two times of creation.


For me, group art therapy workshops arethe joy of reunitingfor this afternoonshare, THEsmilethat lights up faces after thistime to return to oneself, let everyone go homesoothed, relieved, with the feeling of arediscovered lightness, to live fullyall those little everyday moments that makethe good life!

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