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Audience: ARTISTS & CRAFTSMEN working with materials: plastic arts, wood, metal, fabric...*


  • 3 years of professional experience in the artistic field.

  • exhibited his works.

  • be independent in taking notes.

​​Goals :

  • acquire practical and theoretical knowledge in order to diversify its activity with a public of individuals,

  • structure its workshop setting according to its place of practice and the public to which it is addressed,

  • bring out and develop what makes the specificity of his practice in artistic mediation, his style of animation.

Prior learning assessment: It is carried out throughout the training and is accompanied by:

  • 2 reading sheets minimum (from a book or passage from a book by the following authors: Winnicott, Anzieu or other document provided during the training), highlighting the links for your personal work, and those structuring the practice.

  • 1 situation study based on his own experience in the workshop.

  • *excluding performing arts and music.

Registration details


EXPERIENTIAL INTERNSHIP "Symbolic Creations", 3 days, 7 p.m.


Theoretical contributions & experiential workshops, 5 days, 35h:

  • The pre-verbal period: the psychic envelopes & the Skin-ego.The attachment bond theory and the feeling of inner security.

  • The key concepts of DW Winnicott's clinic (transitionality, transitional object, Holding, Handling...)

  • Mediation through Art and Creativity. The Malleable Medium & The Function of Mediation Objects. Analog language & Symbolization by matter.

  • Support for group project development and individual interview .


Theoretical contributions & experiential workshops, 3 days, 7 p.m.:

  • The functioning of the group with creative mediation.

  • Destructiveness and creative process.

Individual support for project development: 8h, to be used according to your needs. Via videoconference or face-to-face. Duration 1h30 or 2h.

Download the program


Artistic mediation workshops for an audience with psychological, physical and social difficulties.

Goals :

- acquire the practical and theoretical knowledge to offer an artistic mediation workshop in a specialized environment.

Prerequisites: have followed and validated level 1

Prior learning assessment : It is carried out throughout the training and is accompanied by:

  • 4 reading sheets minimum (from a book or passage from a book by the following authors: Winnicott, Anzieu, Jung or other document provided during the training), highlighting the links for his personal work, and those structuring the practice .

  • 1 situation study based on his own experience in the workshop.

  • 1 internship in an institutional environment accompanied by a structured writing (plan provided) relating the different times experienced and the links between practice and theory.


EXPERIENTIAL INTERNSHIP"Transgenerational", 3 days.

The passages of life

Theoretical contributions & experiential workshops, 5 days:

  • Specificities of the practice of a creative mediation workshop with a group

    • of children

    • teenagers

    • elderly people

    • adults with mental difficulties.

Theoretical contributions & experiential workshops, 3 days:

  • The key concepts of KG Jung's clinic (Archetypes, Anima/Animus, Persona...)

  • Individual unconscious and collective unconscious

  • The active imagination

Individual support for project development:8h, to be used according to your needs. Duration 1h30 or 2h.

Download the program

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